1. November 2023 0 Comments

What has happened in October

Well different things happened this, not that it was that much, but let’s dive into it. Also as you know we normally give a giveaway to some random person on the October, but this year things had been thought for us, so we couldn’t find the money for it. We are really sad about this, […]

2. October 2023 0 Comments

What has happened in September

We had some stuff happening this month, but let’s dive into it. We did mention last month that we were gonna have a new release ready of the game, which is working but we just had a small thing that we wanted to add on top of it, and then we bit over a little […]

1. September 2023 0 Comments

What has happened in August

Not so many things happened this month, but let’s take it from the top. We have been behind posting new updates for HoE. Not that we didn’t get fixes done, because we did get some stuff done, and we do have a new updated version of HoE ready to be tested, bottom line is, that […]

1. August 2023 0 Comments

What has happened in July

So different things happened this month, so let’s take it from the top. As you might have noticed, we had worked on the basic stuff for the HeraldsofEternity.com website, a bunch of the stuff was added, and hopefully we only need to fix some spell checking and add some extra stuff that might be missing. […]

1. November 2023 0 Comments

What has happened in October

2. October 2023 0 Comments

What has happened in September

1. September 2023 0 Comments

What has happened in August