What has happened in February
Well, as some of you have already noticed our Facebook is offline. It happened on the 14th of February.
The reason is that the CEO and PR of Vivanox are stepping down. They have not been able to focus on their positions for a while, so the Vivanox Company is being closed.
Miscni is taking over the project HOC that was being worked on, so all the rights/copyrights for the HOC project have been moved over to him.
As many of you know Miscni is not a quitter, he is a fighter. Somehow and surprisingly, the closing of Vivanox spawned a rather significant amount of interest from many folks including freelancers and designer. People want to help make this game a possibility and its quite heart warming.
Regarding Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc, everything will come back online when things are fixed up. This also includes our website sometime in the near future. We will setup a new design that will hopefully look much moremore professional.
In addition, we also have some good news regarding HOC. Clay from Wicked Trends & Alchemia W.S. has been very helpful with some meshes that were needed for the stadium. That includes some extra mesh stuff that will be ready in march. Of course it is always fun to have Clay around!
We also got in contact with an artist called Slak. He has been given the opportunity to fix our hair issues for the characters. We sent him one model to work with to see if he could clean it up or determine if it had to be completely remade. We were in luck, a simple cleanup on the first model was ideal.
We are in the process of getting Slak to fix the rest of the hair as well now. Hopefully we can have the characters finished and game-ready soon!
Pallyqle came by to help out with a funny issue we had been experiencing for a while. He managed to make it so the screens in the stadium now work. It was nice working with Pallyqle, and we do hope to see more of him in the future.
Hopefully, we have more to show in the coming months on Facebook and Youtube.
That is all for now!
Zee yaa all next month!