What has happen in August
In the start of August, we got in contact with a Music artist,
named Fatherbongrip.
We explained what kind of music, we were looking for,
and after giving Fartherbongrip a couple of ideas, he went to work.
About a week after, Fatherbongrip contacted us,
he had composed a really good piece of music for us, and we all agreed, after listening to it, that we would like his work, for the rest of HOC.
So as many of you might have guessed,
decided to get Fatherbongrip onboard, to make music for us.
As some of you might recall, there were some rumors,
that we were in negotiations with at C++ coder, about 2 months back,
That is now official, that we got our C++ Coder, his name is Chibitybibityba,
he comes with some really good references, and not only that,
but also a great person, with a lot of humor.
Vivanox bids you welcome to the team, and we are looking forward to do some great things together.
We also got a couple of 3D Artists on board,
that are helping us out, fixing some long overdue 3D models,
that has needed fixing. They do not wish at this given time to be mentioned, but we can hope in the future, that might change.
That was it for now
Zee yaa all next month