What has happen in Juli
Well, we have been working around the clock, supported by Pallyqle,
But we hit a wall, and was put on hold.
Long story short, we had most of the things to work, as it should,
but we
had some trouble on the way, that made us sit and wait.
We tried many different ways to get it fixed, but none of it worked.
At the same time, one of the others from our team, was in that bad situation, that the computer the person was using, died.
That lead to look elsewhere, to figure out this problem.
You have to remember, that some of the people on the team, have been bleeding and sweating for this, and when suddenly you have a computer, that just dies.
Other people on the team, is put on hold, mainly because we needed directions.
And with a busted computer, then you cannot do much.
After about 2 weeks, we got in contact with Sarr from Feral Computing.
After 2 days, Sarr was so helpful fixing the issues with had, that we could move on to the next stage on the project.
For those of you, who keep up with our monthly blog, and knows about Feral Computing, we highly recommend their work, suggestions and ideas.
They have a lot to offer, and are very fair.
cannot thank you enough Sarr, we really appreciate you helping us.
always it was a pleasure to work with Feral Computing.
Since we got the things fixed, we have moved on testing out Client and servers again.
Hopefully we are going in the right direction.
Things has been very tricky and hectic this month, but we keep pushing forward, we dont give up at Vivanox, we keep trying, untill we succeed.
And succeed we will, things just take time.
That was it for now
Zee yaa all next month