What has happend in January?
Our first goal, was focusing on the website and forum.
And we finally found a person, that had the qualifications, that we were looking for.
We sadly cannot go into details on the subject, but rest assured,
that we have the best intentions for you the community.
We also welcome our newest member on the team: Bravo.
Bravo helps out with our animations. As some of you may know,
there has been a some issues, with animations from different characters ingame.
This is were Bravo comes in. We will try the best we can, to get it adjusted and working correctly.
Things like this is going to take time, so be patience, and keep a lookout on facebook.
Just in case anyone would like to play a little around,
we also got the HOC test server up and running.
It may not run perfectly stable yet, but if you encounter any problems,
please let us now on our facebook https://www.facebook.com/vivanox/ .
Stay tuned and watch out for upcoming spoils!