What’s happen in september
First and formost, we have been very busy lately, which is the reason for, that our monthly blog, hasn’t been updated, until now.
We truely are sorry about, not being able to have it ready as we planned.
But we will try to do better to next time.
First let me start with Sarr from Feral Computing has been doing different kinds of work for us, not to mention, that he has been doing a lot of good work for us., and we have said it before, but we are saying it again. If you are looking for a freelancer, then we can higly recommend him.
Like many of you may know, alot of testing were done, different updates ingame were also added.
While we tested the game, we got more and more suggestion from different people, that was testing HoC.
A month ago, we told you about, that we had gotten some special people back on the team.
So because of the suggestions from the different people, that have been so kind to test our game, It was decided that we needed a forum.
So as things are right now, Lotd and Aki are still working really hard, to get the forum done, but also we are haveing some other plans, that we sadly cannot go into right now 😉
Also bare in mind, that it is not always that easy to build a forum ;). When you dont have time all day, to work the project, and the people on this team are doing it, on a volentary bases, so some things takes more time then usual.
We also have a review to show you: Warrior Gaming Chair (Sandberg) click here
Have to say, from what I ha read about it the chair, it seems to be a really nice gaming chair, but we will let your readers decide that. 🙂 You can read more about the Gameing Chair here
Pallyqle has been busy with his studies, but he has been looking in, from time to time, just to hear, if we have experience any bugs etc ;). But we do miss him on the team.
Tjoepapke has also put alot of hours into the project, he has made many different changes for our different levels, but also for the characters.
Not to mention that “Range spells”, and “Melee Spells” are being updated.
We started the core project with a standard system, that had worked perfectly, but it needs to be updated, and also support more features.
Also some of those features, was suggested from the first group, that tested the game.
We also haveing our Map / Minimap adjusted. We are experience funny bugs, and bugs we like to play with and figure out, why it happens. So as the things are for now, some features works in the map and minimap, and other things don’t work.
More is being added to our changelog.
That was it for now.
See you all next month